1. Protected Material

The Media Center provides you with material such as pictures, images, graphics, logos, video files, films, audio files and text (the "Material") relating to Beiersdorf AG, Beiersdorfstrasse 1-9, 20245 Hamburg, Germany ("Beiersdorf AG") and its products. The Material is protected under copyright, trademark, design, and personal rights and other applicable German and international law. It contains proprietary information of Beiersdorf AG. The Material is strictly and exclusively intended for the use for objective and adequate public information about Beiersdorf AG and its products, e.g. press releases. Any other use of the Material is subject to Beiersdorf AG’s prior written approval.

2. Admission to the Media Center

The Media Center is accessible through the internet websites of Beiersdorf AG. The access is restricted exclusively to persons and entities accessing the Media Center for the purpose of private use or commercial use permitted according to Sec. 1 above. Certain areas and applications within the Media Center are subject to prior registration of the user and to Beiersdorf AG’s accreditation.

3. Use of the content

Any change to the Material, translation or other editing or processing may only be made with the prior written permission of Beiersdorf AG. Any copyright protected Material may only be used with appropriate copyright notice (e.g. © Beiersdorf AG).

4. Legal consequences

Beiersdorf AG reserves the right to withdraw the right of the user to access the Media Center at any time and without reason. In such event the access to the Media Center is no longer permitted and any unauthorized use might lead to legal consequences. Any unauthorized use, misuse or infringement of our rights, including personal rights, trademarks, logos, copyright or other intellectual property rights, will lead to civil law and/or criminal law consequences.

5. Disclaimer of liability

Use and downloading of the Material is at the users own risk. Beiersdorf AG does not assume any liability for any damage in particular to data files, hardware or software of the user, arising thereof. The responsibility for deliberate intention and gross negligence remains unaffected. Beiersdorf AG does not assume any liability as regards third party rights to the Material.

6. Hyperlinks

As far as hyperlinks to third parties websites are inserted into this website Beiersdorf AG is not aware of the content of third parties websites and assumes no warranty or liability for any illegal content or other legal infringement of third parties websites.

7. Update and change

We may amend or update sections of the Terms and Conditions of Use without prior notification. Please check the Terms and Conditions of Use each time before you use our service in order that you are aware of possible changes or updates.
Terms and Conditions of Use: last update November, 2023.

Beiersdorf AG, Beiersdorfstrasse 1-9, 20245 Hamburg, Germany